Monday, March 10, 2008

Tickets for Things Fall Apart

I don't know if someone else blogged this or not , but just in case I will. If I get seven yes'es tonight, I'm going to go ahead and buy the tickets. Its seven dollars a person, so if you guys are up, tell me.

The event is March 27th at the Free Library in Philadelphia at 8 p.m.

There's one yes for me :)!


Kelsie said...


Kelsie said...

hey guys, i actually won't be able to go...i'm going to visit wash u from thursday-saturday, but i hope you have fun anyway!

Theresa said...

Are we meeting for dinner before?
And how many people are going?

Anisha said...

I'm definately going. I can meet whenever you guys decide

Elizabeth Johnson said...

I don't know if I can go anymore because I have to work tomorrow. Boo.

Anisha said...

Hey guys,
So I'm not sure whats going on with everyone else, but Theresa, Albert and I are going up around seven. Theresa is the brave soul who is driving :) <3.
Anyone else want to update? Whats going on with Fatima?

d said...

Can someone give me a ride?