Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Midterm Exams

Hi guys,
I know Theresa brought this up earlier, but I think most of us were too caught up in college apps to really think about midterms. At least, I was. Anyway, I'm kind of getting nervous about this midterm, and wanted to know if we could divide up the work and make some review sheets.
I'm not sure if we need to review every book and such, or we should just focus on certain parts (like the questions from the Sir Gawain sheet). Either way, the things we've read so far are:

King Lear
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

I think I have the whole list, although I might be wrong. But if anyone has any suggestions as to how to break this down, I'm very interested. Plus, I beleive two or three of you had Laz before, so you'd have a good idea of what we should be studying. Any thoughts?


Albert said...

fatima already made a post about this but whatev

you forgot about Rhinoceros and Canterbury Tales

His midterms.... I dunno.
It's tough to prepare for his midterm unless you actually take his midterm over and over again. All you can really do is go over all of our discussions and try to draw relationships between all of them. At least one of the questions on the midterm will inevitably be drawing relationships. Think Canterbury Tales but on a much broader spectrum.

It's not going to test what we know, but rather our analytical and writing skills. Only way to improve that is to read and write.

just my .02

Anisha said...

Eek. Wow. I did forget a lot. I thought I had, but then counting the months of school, four units had seemed right at the moment.
So .. no suggestions as to whether we should do some work together?

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Arrghhh I just wrote a long-ish comment and it was deleted... stupid technology...

Anyways to summarize:

Like Albert said, it will be a lot of analyzation and drawing relationships. It will be important to know the topics of discussion that we covered in class because what we discussed will be the bulk of the test. Also, look for the common threads throughout the works that we have read... common themes, discussion topics, and especially literary critical theory! There will probably be a section on critical different types of critical literary theory.

It would probably be fruitless to divide up the Sir Gawain questions because those types of questions will probably be an insignificant portion of the test. Last year for the final, people posted notes on the different literary periods and units that we studied. That was a helpful way to review, especially if you missed something.

Also, Albert, your ".02?" Why not just your "two cents" as most people would write?

Albert said...

Fine liz
just for you
i'll write "two cents" on the rest of my posts.
I'm just trying to have an identity but no. You have to force me back into the structures of society. Way to go.

I think it'd be helpful to have a review session... say... MLK weekend? That way we can compile our notes and such.
If not then we all can just post on different works like last year but it might be a bit much.
Whatever the majority decides I guess.

Anisha said...

I'm up for at least a review session. If we still want extra review, we can post on the blog later on.

Anisha said...

Hi everyone,
I had a quick midterm related question.

For Beowulf, does anyone remember who Laz said was the father/Arthur like figure? Was it the king of the Geats or Hrofgar (sp?) ?